Kleinberg Funeral Services is a full-service funeral and cremation provider independently owned and operated by Steve Kleinberg. We are located at 3930 Long Beach Road, Island Park across from Ace Hardware in the Macken Mortuary building, a separate business entity. The funeral home boasts chapels suitable for large family gatherings or an intimate goodbye, ample onsite parking, and convenient location. If you require our immediate attention, we are available 24/7 at (516) 400-5580.
Kleinberg Funeral Services warmly welcomes the opportunity to serve you and your family, regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, or sexual preference.
Kleinberg Funeral Services’ ability to serve you reaches far beyond our physical location. As more families choose alternatives to conventional arrangements: cremation, graveside services, green burial, services in their place of worship or cemetery/crematory chapel, reliance on a funeral home’s physical location gives way to their ability to accommodate your needs. Kleinberg Funeral Services is abundantly experienced and well-equipped to provide these services across the New York Tri-state area.